Friday, April 27, 2012

result semester 2

rasanya lama dah tak update since semester break 1 dulu. so here i come. :)
im so so sooo dissapointed much HARDER than yang lepas lepas. Yelah, target taknak be a repeatest lagi. nahhhhhh result keluar macam haram. repeat a one subjek again. what? yes. i will be a repeatest again. just stfu. TAPI TAKPA. I WILL SURVIVE. i will. yes i will. Wan Mohamad Akif always there when i need him. thanks babyboy. shaitsss. But after all this, im try to be strong. pergi class repeat again, belajar benda yang sama again, test, quiz yang sama again. okay dah. rasa macam down gila bila ingat. Somehow, Allah give everything for a reason. pasrah. congrats baby sebab kau TAKDE repeat apa apa. ok dah.
 it is EVER okay to give up :) cheers!

goodbye semester 2

I don’t remember much. But is still fresh in my mind. The laugh of my friends. All crazy doing when we were together, spendind day talking about silly things, help each other. It was very special moment for me. Madie, Eein, Teha, Amni, Mira, Ima, Faris. And blab la blaa even im not state your name here but you know you are for me J
Oh btw my lovely roommates, expecially Sarah Adila, Shamsial and Shira. I want we grow up together in same room again. I love you girls. Deeply! Okay stop crying nadia.

My most beloved, lovely, dearest boyfriends and best friend ever. Thanks being my back borne there every moment, every breath <3 I love you. Thank you for being patience when I cried and laugh.
Thank you for listening to this little girl problem. Thank you for being me cheering up when I cry again and again. And thank you for CORRECTING MY ENGLISH when I got it ALL WRONG! J I love you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012




my other half :)

This post is dedicated to my only one, Wan Mohamad Akif :)
To be honest.
Nadia tak pernah imagine I would meet you dear,
After done you macam ignoring first talking me and you dekat lorong LP after class habis “__”
And here you are! By my side.
Rasa macam nak tampar je bila di endah kan. Okay dah.
Nadia selalu buat akif annoyed kan?
Mengada ngada, majok,jalan perlahan, makan tak habis, something special every weekend,buat effect muka tak senonoh.
Fucking annoyed “_” nadia tahu. :P
Thank you sebab banyak bersabar dengan nadia.
I hope you will never get tired of me.
And thank you for make me feels like im such a lucky girl,
Lucky to have you :)
We done through macam macam susah senang to get together apa semua kan?
And I thank God for giving you in my life.
Nadia tak lemah lembut. Tak suara sedap macam you. Tak popular macam you. Kasar. Tak sweet macam akif.
But this comes from deep heart.
Wan Mohamad Akif, I Love You .

Happy 9month anniversary sayang.